Leslie Lee Sanders

Questions and Answers
Three's a Crowd: Revised/Extended
The Sky Is Falling
Three's a Crowd: The Beginning
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About Leslie

Author Leslie Lee Sanders

Q. How do you get your ideas for your books?
A. Most of what I write is fiction, as in, made up, but I incorporate bits and pieces of real life experiences into the story I'm telling. Maybe I experienced similar things the characters experienced or I know someone who did. Either way, I try to make my work as entertaining as possible with experiences that most people can relate to.
Q. Do you only write controversial fiction? 
A. No. I like to experiment a little and cover different genres. The one genre that I enjoy writing most, other than controversial fiction, is horror. The least I enjoy writing is nonfiction. But there seems to be alot of fans of controversial fiction, and I write to please.
Q. How long did it take you to write your third novel?
A. I began writing Bittersweet in September of 2005, after I finished The Sky Is Falling. It took me until the very beginning of this year (2007) to get it exactly where I wanted it.
Q. What's your next literay project?
A. I think I'm going to write a good psychological/suspense novel. Something different than that last three novels I've written.
Q. Do you have any doubts about your literary projects?
A. Of course. Many writers have fears and doubts about their work. We're our own worst critics. But my belief is - if I didn't question myself every now and then, I wouldn't push myself to be better. So, yes, I have doubts. The trick is to make every negative thought work out into something positive, and to learn from every mistake.
Q. Could readers contact you through e-mail for questions or comments?
A. Yes. Please do! I love hearing from my readers and I love mail. I make sure to respond to every message I get personally.